

There is a trend in healthcare that is moving towards preventative type medicines. With a growing consumer demand for foods with natural and healthy benefits. There is a growing trend in consumers wanting probiotics  as they start to see the benefits from taking them.  As we have helped probiotic manufacturing companies with thier formulation and cryoprotectant packages, we understand the complexities of testing and making sure that the products shelf life remains stable.  We have helped develop freeze dry cycle optimizations that helped increase the efficacy of certain probiotics and helped companies to extend the shelf live and efficacy from a few months up to 5 years.  We know the demands of your products profile, and how to maintain thier chemical structure without collapse or denaturing.  Whatever your cryoprotectant is, we can help you increase your products potency and concetration.  While other drying methods exist as well as vacuum dryers that claim to be freeze dryers, we don't recommend using electric heated shelf type dryers, especially when scaling up to do larger quantities.  There is too much at risk in creating  hot spots and potential for  unenven drying in the chamber, creating thermal degredation of your valuable product.  


Probiotic Freeze Dry Machine Recommendations

You worked hard on developing your formulation for your cryoprotectant package.  We know that the stability of your cryoprotectant requires that your product remains stable and that the sublimation front doesn't go liquid.  We understand the physics and heat transfer where if you can't cool your shelves you risk overheating your product.  How do you maintain a shelf temperature once the ice starts to sublime? An electric heating shelf can't control the shelf temperature and your product rises in temperature too quickly.  What do you do?  Don't pull a deeper vacuum to get the chamber colder. There is a direct relationship betwen vacuum pressure and temperature.  What the walk in freeze dryer manufacturers can't do is control the shelf temperatures at negative numbers.  If each shelf isn't the same temperature, you can't freeze dry many products. If they use the vacuum or condenser to aid in keeping the process cold,  you slow down the process.  In addition, unless you can control the temperature on every single shelf, you run the risk of inconsistant and over drying which will denature your product.  We offer both positive and negative shelf temp control, leading to more yield and efficacy, unlike electric shelf heaters geared more towards vacuum drying.

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